Blood Services


We provide specialised immunohaematology services through our ISO 15189 Immunohaematology Reference and Red Cell Serology laboratories.

These laboratories offer a range of immunohaematology related tests and services, including:

  1. ABO and RhD typing
  2. Irregular red cell antibody screening, identification and titration
  3. Red cell phenotyping
  4. Red cell genotyping
  5. Antenatal testing
  6. Management of the South African Rare Donor Programme

The Request for Immunohaematology Testing form, can be found here.

Please click here to access our laboratory testing turnaround times:
Turnaround Time in Immunohematology Laboratories

Our laboratories may be contacted for any additional information on the following contact details:

Reference Laboratory:
Landline: (031) 719 6533 / 6544 / 6861
Cellphone: 072 022 3651
Email: SLSReferenceLab@sanbs.org.za

Red Cell Serology Laboratory, Mount Edgecombe, KZN:
Landline: (031) 719 6865 / 6685 / 6514 / 6697
Cellphone: 072 022 6241
Email: _.SLS-RedCellSerologyPTN@sanbs.org.za

Red Cell Serology Laboratory, Constantia Kloof, Gauteng:
Landline: (011) 761 9208 / 9261 / 9209 / 9850
Cellphone: 082 857 1497
Email: SLS-RedCellSerologyCK@sanbs.org.za

Organise a blood drive!

Help SANBS recruit new blood donors by organising a blood drive in your community,
office, school, college, church, or residential complex.