Visit the South African Government Coronavirus Website for all official COVID-19 updates



While all reasonable care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information, the South African National Blood Service (SANBS) and its officers and employees assume no responsibility in relation to the use of this web site or the information contained in it.

The information on this web site does not constitute medical or other advice in relation to the products and/or services provided by SANBS – It is general information only.

The information contained in this web site is not adapted to any particular person’s circumstances. Therefore any queries by any persons should be directed to such person’s health care provider.

Information, ideas and opinions expressed on this website should not be regarded as professional advice or SANBS’ official opinion. All persons making use of this website are strongly advised to seek professional advice before taking any course of action related to them.

The information in this web site may not be comprehensive or complete and may not be up to date or current in relation to the latest medical technology.

The information in this web site may include the use of terms that have technical meanings that may be different from their ordinary meanings and require specialist knowledge and expertise to understand properly and use effectively.

The information accessible through this web site contains significant quantities of material that has been entered manually and inevitably errors and inaccuracies occur in such a process. Although efforts are made to identify such errors and inaccuracies, the information nevertheless may contain errors and inaccuracies.

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Website disclaimer April 2011 (2)